25 Jan

2025 Spring Registration

We are very excited to announce… Registration is open for the 2025 Spring Softball Season. Opening Day is schedule for Saturday, April 23. Registration is open for the following divisions:

Tball (ages 5-6 as of 1/1/25)
Rookies (ages 7-8 as of 1/1/25)
Minors (ages 9-10 as of 1/1/25)
Majors (ages 11-13 as of 1/1/25)
Vigs 15U (ages 13-15 as of 1/1/25)
Vigs 19U (ages 16-19 as of 1/1/25)

For questions or comments please contact us, rasa.sball@gmail.com

Go here to Register: https://www.rasasoftball.com/program/spring-2025/7126

29 Jan

RASA Indoor Clinic

Thank you to All Heart Softball Academy for running our second Free Indoor Winter Clinic. The RASA girls had fun and learned details on fielding footwork and glovework. We had 16 girls attend the 8U/10U age group; and 3 girls attended the 12U group.

20 Jun

2024 BuxMont Rec Softball League All-Star Game

RASA hosted the 2024 BuxMont Rec League All-Star games. It was a terrific night, showcasing many talented players from the league which has 55 teams in total (7 of which are RASA teams). Congratulations to all the girls, especially our RASA All-Stars!!

Olivia Calabrette (8U)
Ava Kline (8U)
Anna Cutright (8U)
Ciera Freed (8U)
Lily Plover (8U)
Rosanna Shimp (8U)
Dakota Nyce (10U)
Arya Shoemaker (10U)
Sawyer James (10U)
Brianna Mullen (10U)
Savanna Frazier (12U)
Violet Schaffer (12U)
Maddie Myers (12U)
Madelyn Compton (12U)

12 Jun

RASA 12U Champions of BuxMont League

Congratulations to RASA 12U team winning a thrilling Championship game 5-4 over North Penn Valley. It was a dramatic comeback win in the final minutes of the game. BuxMont Rec Softball League Champions! Awesome season girls and coaches!!

15 Apr

RASA Opening Day

RASA Opening Day brought some tough weather/field conditions. Games were cancelled but we still got to have our Opening Ceremony. Thank you to our Opening Day Coordinators Karen & Jen, and thank you to one of our sponsors Chick-fil-A Quakertown for making an appearance to support the girls! Also thank you to last years Volunteer of the Year winner Brad Christman and his daughters (Tessa/Taylor) for contributing to the 2024 Spring season opening pitch!

6 Mar

RASA Background Check Procedure

RASA Background Check Procedure

RASA has instituted the following background check procedure for all adults volunteering as coaches, assistant coaches, and for any activity that requires direct and routine contact with children participating in a RASA activity. The following three (3) items are required for all RASA volunteers:

1.    Pennsylvania State Police Criminal History Record:  This document can be obtained online at https://epatch.pa.gov/home

2.    Pennsylvania Child Abuse History Clearance:  This document can be obtained online at https://www.compass.state.pa.us/CWIS/Public/Home

3.    A copy of your Driver’s License (or another State / Federal ID with picture) showing your current address (must match the address on both of your background checks)

These background checks are currently offered online for free. Criminal History and Child Abuse records are considered valid for 5 years.  However, RASA may request a copy of any / all of these three (3) items (State Criminal, PA Child Abuse Clearance, State Identification) from you at any time.  

All volunteers must submit the three (3) documents before any RASA activities commence.

Please send the forms to RASA
•    By Email:    rasabackground@gmail.com
•    By Mail:      RASA, PO Box 733, Quakertown, PA 18951

Thank you for your support as we all look forward to another safe and fun softball season.

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